How it works

how does it work?

Manufacture process

After you have been openly and fully informed about the process and options, the lock of hair or part of the cremation ash will be received. LifeGem will ensure careful registration and identification.

The fabrication process depends on which version you choose.

Commemorative diamond crafted from cremation ash / lock of hair

In nature, rough diamonds form in deep carbon layers due to the high pressure and temperature exerted on them by the Earth’s crust itself. Manufacturing a diamond, as LifeGem does, is a copy of the natural process: carbon is transformed into a rough diamond in a press through high pressure and high temperature. The longer the carbon is present in the press, the larger the diamond becomes.

What is unique about the Remembrance Diamond is that very special carbon is used in its manufacture: carbon from cremation ash or the hair of your dear deceased. The transformation process from carbon to diamond takes place in the United States and involves a number of stages:

– the “separation” of carbon from the other elements from the cremation ash or the transformation of a strand of hair into carbon (carbonization) by heating – in a low-oxygen environment;

– purifying carbon;

– from the purified carbon a rough diamond is eventually manufactured in a diamond press

– the rough diamond is cut and polished into the desired shape.

Then the cut diamond is certified (personal certificate of authenticity) and if specified by you in advance, a laser engraving is made in the rondist (side of the diamond).

Throughout the process, the strictest safety and control regulations apply.




different kinds


countries actively


years of experience